My Favorite Natural Wonders Around the World

This week, the #FriFotos theme is “Earth Day.”  After thinking for a bit, I decided that the best way to exemplify this theme would be to show photos of my favorite natural wonders around the world.

I hope that the coming generations continue to keep these wonderful places protected.

Wadi Rum, Jordan — this desert knocked my socks off.  I knew it would be good, but I didn’t expect to be agape almost the entire time, so privileged that I was actually standing in the middle of it.

The Tirolean Alps — hiking through these mountains outside Innsbruck was one of the most physically taxing things I have ever done, but it was worth it for views like this.

Thailand’s Andaman Coast — seen here from Phranang Beach, Railay, in Krabi Province.  Come to this beach and you’ll leave with postcard photos.  Particularly during the low season.

Shetland — all of it!  This double beach was probably the single most impressive place we saw in the archipelago.

Cappadocia, Turkey — once again, it’s one of those places you need to see to believe.  You get out into the fields and suddenly realize that they are much, MUCH larger than they appear.

Halong Bay, Vietnam — I may remember Halong Bay mostly for being the location of the greatest party cruise on the face of the Earth, but it’s such a beautiful place and deserves its recognition among the world’s greatest wonders.

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USA — this is one place in America that doesn’t get as much recognition as it should, but you won’t regret taking the time to visit.

Dead Sea, Jordan — yet another icon of the Middle East, shared by Jordan, Israel, and Palestine.  I remember being stunned as I slipped into the Dead Sea and realized I was looking across the sea at Bethlehem!

Snowdonia National Park in Wales.  From the moment you cross into North Wales from Chester, the landscape changes and becomes almost blindingly beautiful.  It’s amazing how sudden it is.  The Welsh drew that line well.

And finally, the Bolaven Plateau in southern Laos.  So far from everything in the world and very under the radar, but not for long.

Not all of the natural wonders I’ve seen are here.  I don’t have photos from my childhood trips to the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls.

And this list makes me think about the natural wonders I want to visit the most:  Antarctica, the Arctic, the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the Sossuvlei in Namibia, Palawan in the Philippines, the Galapagos Islands, and everything in New Zealand.  Just for starters.

I WILL get there.

#FriFotos is open to all.  To see more photos from everyone else, follow #FriFotos on Twitter.

Which photo is your favorite?


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