Travel links of the week #4 – all about France

Bonjour Travelettes,

as I am planning a road trip to Paris I recently collected some websites and information about “the city of love” I’d like to share with you this week.

Do it in Paris reflects all the insider world of a real Parisienne’s Paris. With adresses, guides, events, recepies, the latest fashion styles and a blog it offers an insight into the French gal’s je ne sais qoi and also explains why Paris turns into a complete different place in August.


Slightly the same concept is followed by a website called “My little Paris“, which keeps you up to date with secret boutiques, inventive restaurants, hidden treasures and the latest trends. The “unusual” section should be helpful for the advanced Paris visitors among you.

101 Cookbooks author Heidi Swanson shares her Paris recipes along with the highlights of her ten days in the french capital. If you are not planning a trip to France anytime soon, check out the travel section for more of Heidi’s guides.

One of my favourite websites, Designsponge also collected a very extensive design guide to Paris with all the information you need about museums, galleries and of course shopping, along with a google map of all the places.

And last but not least there is a pretty useful facebook page which also exists for other places like Berlin, New York, Edinburgh, Milan, Toronto and more.

If you have more Paris links to share use the comments below.

A bientôt!

picture by Romeika Cortez

picture by Romeika Cortez


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